Our Story
We all know that children don’t come with instruction manuals, and with today’s barrage of seemingly opposing information and uncharted societal issues, parenting can seem overwhelming. Parenting on Purpose seeks to help parents make sense of all the information, through proven and practical parenting solutions. The Parenting on Purpose website offers podcasts featuring Dr. Bob Barnes and Torrey Roberts.
Our Mission
The mission of Sheridan House Family Ministries, Inc. is to honor Christ, by serving the needs of children and families. Sheridan House is committed to offering our community services, which give children and families the opportunity to reach their full, God given, potential; opportunities that might otherwise not be available due to impeding circumstances in the home.

Bible Studies
Sheridan House offers community beyond our outreach. Check out our weekly Men's and Women's Bible Studies to stay connected to our community.
How to get involved
Sheridan House is a multifaceted ministry dedicated to helping families from our Parenting On Purpose radio broadcast to our Residential Boys’ Homes, Single Mom Ministry or our Counseling Centers. How can we help? Parenting on Purpose seeks to help parents make sense of all the information, through proven and practical parenting solutions.